Real Fire Test at Schneider Umweltservice AG

Fire protection event with live extinguishing of an incipient fire
#Fire #FT10e #Fire extinguishing system #Events #Team

On May 28, 2024, we were given the opportunity to organize a fire protection event with a real fire test on the premises of Schneider Umweltservice AG in Volketswil (CH). An incipient fire was set, which was then fought immediately.

We were delighted to be able to welcome mainly invited guests from the Swiss fire protection sector among the participants. This included members of Swiss testing laboratories, fire protection planning offices and fire protection companies, as well as end customers with a focus on the recycling industry.

Specialist presentations on the topic of fire protection

The supporting program around the live demonstration of our fire alarm system also included short specialist presentations. Special thanks go to Thomas Goetschi, owner of the engineering firm Goetschi und Inspection body for fire protection, who gave us a very informative presentation on Swiss fire protection standards and technologies.

Rico Sommerhalder, Managing Director of Schneider Umweltservice AG, took the opportunity to present the Swiss recycling company with 11 locations in the Zurich, Zug and Lucerne region. The fire protection measures taken here have already proven their worth many times over the last two years. The company relies on systems consisting of a VdS-certified infrared detection system from Orglmeister Infrarot-Systeme and an automatic extinguishing system with firefighting turbines from EmiControls.

Employee Bernd Riedmann gave an overview of the innovative extinguishing turbine technology from EmiControls, which has been successfully tested in fire test scenarios by VKF-approved test laboratories and is therefore accepted by Swiss building insurance companies.

Activation of the fire alarm system and live extinguishing

After the tour of the recycling plant, the participants were able to experience the use of a PYROsmart® camera from Orglmeister Infrarot-Systeme and an FT10e firefighting turbine from EmiControls live in action on site as a highlight of the event.

Afterwards, there were refreshments in the seminar room and of course the opportunity to talk to each other and exchange ideas.

Special thanks go to Rico Sommerhalder (Schneider Umweltservice AG), Albert Orglmeister (Orglmeister Infrarot-Systeme), Francesco Fritz (EmiControls) and Daniel Böringer (Emitec AG). Thanks to their excellent cooperation, they all contributed to a successful event.