Extinguishing robot combats major fire in landfill in Austria

At the end of May, at 23.30, a vast fire broke out at the dumpsite and disposal centre in Tainach (Austria), with a ...
#Fire #Firefighting Robot

At the end of May, at 23.30, a vast fire broke out at the dumpsite and disposal centre in Tainach (Austria), with a warehouse engulfed in flames. A Magirus AirCore TAF35 and 150 firemen were used.

When help arrived in the form of nine fire-fighting teams, the flames were already as high as the ceiling. Because the warehouse also contained waste, there was a serious danger of gas escaping, which made it necessary to protect the emergency workers’ respiratory systems.
To bring the fire under control, the firemen had to sift through the entire dumpsite, before being able to extinguish each hotbed, using water foam, and to make the place safe.
Our Magirus AirCore TAF35 fire-fighting robot was also used to extinguish the flames. The water mist cools and extinguishes the fire more quickly than traditional methods.

This allowed the firemen to quickly gain control of the flames and to prevent them spreading. There were no injuries.

Further information on fire-protection in recycling plants

Source Foto: ORF Mediathek; Source article: http://kaernten.orf.at/news/stories/2914725/